R Compatible results
- Load the corresponding samples in Result.
- If required, perform data normalization.
- Export the results as comma separated value (.csv).
To load a .csv export file in R, the following script may be used:
# load the complete exported .csv file
allData <- read.csv("export.csv", sep = ";", na.strings = c("", "NA"), skip = 1,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# get the number of metadata attributes for analytes and samples
mtdtRows <- which(!is.na(allData[,1]))[1]-1
mtdtCols <- which(!is.na(allData[1,]))[1]
# extract the values
data <- allData[(mtdtRows+1):nrow(allData), (mtdtCols+1):ncol(allData)]
# extract sample metadata
obsMtdt <- allData[(mtdtRows+1):nrow(allData), 1:mtdtCols]
# extract analyte metadata
analyteMtdt <- allData[1:mtdtRows, (mtdtCols+1):ncol(allData)]
analyteMtdt <- as.data.frame(t(analyteMtdt), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colnames(analyteMtdt) <- allData[1:mtdtRows, mtdtCols]
The script loads the data and stores it in three separated data frames:
- analyte-related meta information
- sample-related meta information
- results (concentration data)
The first rows of the exported file (.csv) are analyte-related meta information. The first columns (from the left) contain sample-related meta information.