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Export results

Following selection of samples and customization of all display options, results can be exported in a variety of formats depending on downstream data analysis or reporting requirements. To immediately save the datatable with all of the default settings, the ⬇ Export icon can be clicked and the table will be saved to the downloads folder. Otherwise, the output can be customized as desrcibed below.

Customize output

Results > Export

Use the Export ▾ dropdown arrow to display the possible exporting parameters.

  • File Type Choose the file format to save the data file export. Measurement status colors will only be visible when using "Excel 2007-Worksheet (*.xlsx)". "MetaboAnalyst Comma Separated Values (*.csv) requires group information to have been previously entered in LIMS.
  • Transpose Values Transpose (interchange) rows and columns.
  • Export Status Information Add Status, e.g. < LOD, to .csv or .txt files in an additional column per analyte.
  • Export all types of values at once Includes all “Value Types” (Concentration, Analyte Intensity, Accuarcy, etc.) in one export file.
  • Customize analyte status output You can replace values of a certain status with any text or number in the exported report. For example, you can replace all values with the status "< LOD" with NA. Activate the checkbox and enter text in the with field. e.g.:

    Replace values ofStatuswith
    < LODNA

    If no text is defined in the cell the values will be replaced by the status (i. e. “< LOD”).

Export datatable

After configuring all the settings as described above, the complete data table can be expired by clicking the Export button and the file will be saved automatically to the download folder.

Isotope correction is applied for several metabolites analyzed in the FIA and FIA XL parts.

Isotope corrected data is shown in italic.

Isotope corrected data

Missing concentration values

Due to analytical reasons, concentration values may not be available, and will be represented by these statuses.

Results table and export

NAConcentration calculation not possible
NaNInternal standard (ISTD) counts or sample volume is ≤ 0
0Analyte intensity is 0 but ISTD was measured.
7-point calibrated metabolite: concentration close to 0.
7-point calibrated metabolites
No intercept, area ratio and calibration curve do not match. Area ratio is greater than highest calibration level.
- ∞7-point calibrated metabolites
No intercept, area ratio and calibration curve do not match. Area ratio is smaller than lowest calibration level.

Concentration calculation not possible

  • Signal intensity below the defined "height threshold".
  • Calibration failed. A note "Calibration failed" is shown.
  • Blank samples do not contain ISTDs. Concentrations are not available but intensities.

For metabolism indicators

If a concentration value is missing (NA or NaN), this is represented as follows.

  • For operation addition and subtraction: missing value(s) is/are replaced by 0. If all summands or subtrahends are missing values, the corresponding metabolism indicator receives the value NA.
  • For multiplication and division: The corresponding metabolism indicator receives the value NA.


Metabolism indicator formula "A * B / C".

If A, B, or C is a missing value, this metabolism indicator value is NA

Metabolism indicator formula "A + B + C".

If A, B, and C are a missing values, this metabolism indicator value is NA