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The performance of a kit run is assessed here.


To validate a plate run:

To protect validation statuses and results from alterations, use Approve plate run.

Validate plate run

To assess the performance of a kit run, click Validate.


Wait until the validation is completed.

The progress is indicated as a blue bar at the upper left edge of the screen.
Progress bar

Validation features

Within the validation section, the following features are available.


  • Plate run: Shows plate run barcode. Click to load the corresponding data directly in Results.
  • Run time: date of MS data uploaded
  • Plate validation: "OK" or "Not OK"

    OK: Plate successfully passed the validation criteria.

    Not OK: Plate did not fully meet the validation criteria. Please review "Analyte results" window.

  • Note: Click Note to open a summary of all validation notes, including a summary of excluded metabolites or wells.

Validation summary

LOD algorithm

The limit of detection (LOD) for each metabolite within a kit run is calculated from the concentrations in the zero samples based on either the standard deviation (StdDev-based) or median (Median-based).

  • StdDev-based: LOD is calculated as median concentration of the zero samples concentrations plus three times the standard deviation of the zero samples concentrations.
    LOD = median background signal + 3 × standard deviation
  • Median-based: LOD is calculated as three times the median concentration of the zero samples.
    LOD = median background signal × 3

Requirement for StdDev-based algorithm:

At least two replicates of a zero sample of the same material per plate run, e.g. two PBS replicates.

If StdDev-based or Median-based are defined as default in the Settings > LOD algorithm, this overrules the predefined LOD algorithm of the method (OP).

Default LOD algorithm

The default LOD algorithm to use for every kit can be defined in the Settings, refer to section LOD algorithm.

Method default: LOD is calculated according to default settings in the method's OP, "StdDev-based" or "Median-based".

StdDev-based: this algorithm is always used.
Median-based: this algorithm is always used.

For validated plate runs, the used LOD algorithm is shown, e.g. "Median-based".

Used LOD algorithm
When repeating the Validation of a validated plate run and the default LOD algorithm is different from the one previously used, a warning is shown.


  • Current LOD algorithm of plate run is "Median-based"
  • Default LOD algorithm is "StdDev-based"
  • Warning is shown if current (= "Median-based") or new (= "StdDev-based") LOD algorithm is used for plate run validation.
    LOD algorithm warning

LOD evaluation

For LOD evaluation, two options are available and used.

  1. LOD (calc.), the LOD is calculated using zero sample(s) from the corresponding plate run and the LOD algorithm defined in WebIDQ, see LOD algorithm.
  2. LOD (from OP), LOD values based on kit validation experiments are used, available in kit document "analytical specifications". These LOD values serve as instrument specific, “minimum” LOD values.

When is “LOD (from OP)” used? If a LOD value could not be calculated for a metabolite, e.g. no noise on corresponding MRM integrated, “LOD (from OP)” instead of "LOD (calc.)" is used.

Example for metabolite “C2”

  • LOD (calc.) is “0” | blue arrow.
  • LOD (from OP) is “0.133” | green arrow.
  • For LOD evaluation, “LOD (from OP) = 0.133” is used.
  • Concentration “0.065” is flagged as “< LOD” | green arrow.

LOD evaluation example

Information: “LOD (from OP)” and "LOD (calc.)" are available in Results > Data.

LOQ definition

The limit of quantification (LOQ) is defined as

LOQ = LOD × 3.3 .

Link sample material with zero samples

If zero samples of different materials are available on one plate run, sample materials need to be linked. Please find an example below.

Zero samples

  • PBS
  • Isoprop_H2O 80_20

Sample materials

  • EDTA plasma
  • liver tissue

EDTA plasma is linked with PBS by dragging EDTA plasma to PBS.

Link plasma with PBS

liver tissue is linked with Isoprop_H2O 80_20 by dragging liver tissue to Isoprop_H2O 80_20.

Link tissue with iProp

This definitions are used for limit of detection (LOD) calculations.

  • The zero sample PBS is used for LOD calculations of EDTA plasma samples.
  • The zero sample Isoprop_H2O 80_20 is used for LOD calculations of liver tissue samples.

    Linked materials for LOD calculations tissue with iProp

Plate view

To assess the performance of a plate run, select a QC sample from the Plate view.

The size and level of detail in the plate view is adjustable.

Adjust plate view size

Plate view S small size

Plate view Id sample IDs shown

Plate view B sample barcodes shown

Plate view L large size

  1. Select a sample, e.g. QC2 on position E2, by clicking on the corresponding well.

    Plate view

  2. Validation results are displayed in the tables Analyte results and ISTD results.

    Analyte and ISTD results table

    CVs are calculated, when at least three QC well replicates are available per plate run.
    CV = standard deviation / mean concentration * 100

    Accuracies are calculated for quantitative metabolites only, analyte classification T1.

    • Accuracies are calculated for metabolites of analyte classification "T1"
    • CVs are calculated for metabolites of analyte classification "T1" or "T2"

  3. Validation results are illustrated in the graphics Analyte results and ISTD results.

    Analyte results graphics

    CVs are shown as CV bullet.

    Accuracies are shown as Accuracy cross.

    Acceptance ranges are shown as Acceptance ranges in the corresponding color of CV bullet or Accuracy cross.

    ISTD results graphics

    ISTD intensities are shown as ISTD cross

    Acceptance ranges are shown as Acceptance ranges

  4. Concentrations of samples and counts of internal standard (ISTD) are validated based on acceptance range criteria, resulting in defined validation statuses.
  • QC status: CV out of range and Accuracy out of range are available.
  • Calibration standard status: Accuracy out of range is available.
  • 7-point calibrated metabolites quantification range: LLOQ and ULOQ are the lowest and highest enabled calibration standard level.
    Calibration standards can be enabled and disabled, see Disable calibration standard level
    Example: Cal2 - Cal7 are enabled. LLOQ = concentration of Cal2, ULOQ = concentration of Cal7.


Chromatograms to a corresponding well can be displayed.

  • Click on one well, e.g. QC2 on position E2.
  • Select an analyte, e.g. Ala.

QC2, well E2 QC2, Ala QC2, Ala chromatogram

Analyte classification

  • Results from all biocrates kits are quantitative, default unit is µmol/L.
  • All results are precise and highly reproducible, showing low variations (CVs).
  • Defined metabolites use an external seven-point calibration. The calibration is performed in Quantification > Calibration.
  • Further metabolites (non-seven-point calibrated) use an internal one-point calibration. For quantification an internal standard (ISTD) is used.
  • For details, refer to the kit specific documents "Analytical specifications".
Analyte classificationInformation
Type 1 (T1)Accuracy checked during kit validation. Reproducible (precise) results with low CVs and good accuracy (accurate).
Type 2 (T2)Reproducible (precise) results with low CVs.
Not validated (NV)Validation not possible, e.g. metabolite not available in validation matrix.

Analyte classifications

Validation statuses

  • All validation statuses like <LOD, <LLOQ, or >ULOQ refer to the measured concentrations.
  • "Measured concentrations" are values, to which no calculations were applied, e.g. data normalization or sample volume different from 10 µL.
  • When applying any calculation or normalization to results, concentrations will change but the validation status is kept.
  • Sample material specific LOD: When using zero samples of different materials, e.g. "serum" and "tissue", material specific LOD values are used, according to section Link sample material with zero samples.
  • Summary: Validation statuses like <LOD, <LLOQ, or >ULOQ are given before calculation or normalization procedures are performed.


  • Check for each measured concentration: above or below the LOD.

  • Measured concentration below the LOD receive the status &lt; LOD.

  • Calculation or normalization procedures may change the concentration shown e.g. in Results, but not the validation status.

  • Summary: After calculation or normalization procedures were performed, concentrations may be flagged as &lt; LOD but are shown above the LOD.

    Values in bold: concentration and status do not match. After normalization, concentration of sample A is shown above the LOD but the status remains &lt; LOD.

    Sample AStatusSample BStatus
    Measured concentration0.122&lt; LOD0.198&lt; LLOQ
    Normalized concentration0.433&lt; LOD0.322&lt; LLOQ

    LOD: 0.150

    LLOQ: 0.200
    Unit: µmol/L

Analyte results

Validation status of concentration.

Available for sample types calibration standard, zero, QC, unknown.

Valid concentration is within the quantification range, see kit specific document "Analytical specifications"

&lt; LOD concentration is below the limit of detection (LOD)

&lt; threshold concentration is below the defined "height threshold", FIA data only

&lt; LLOQ concentration is below the lower limit of quantification (LLOQ), but above the LOD

&gt; ULOQ concentration is above the upper limit of quantification (ULOQ)

CV out of range CV is outside the acceptance range

Accuracy out of range accuracy is outside the acceptance range

ISTD out of range intensity of the internal standard (ISTD) is outside the acceptance range

ISTD results

Validation status of internal standard intensity.

Available for all sample types.

Valid intensity is within the acceptance range

ISTD out of range intensity of the internal standard (ISTD) is outside the acceptance range


ISTD signals (MRMs) are checked exclusively.

Valid below upper intensity (cps) acceptance limit

ISTD out of range if above intensity (cps) acceptance limit

Quality assessment

For an easy quality assessment of a kit run, validation statuses are given on metabolite, well/injection, and plate run level.

  • Quality assessment performed is sample type and analyte classification (T1 or T2) specific.
  • "Excluded" metabolites, injections, or wells are not used for quality assessment.

Metabolite level: a calculated concentration for a metabolite is evaluated.

Injection level: all concentrations of an injection are evaluated.
Well level: all injections from one well are evaluated. If one injection per well was performed, injection level = well level.
Plate run level: all wells of one plate run are evaluated.

Custom QC: "QC" and "Custom QC" samples are grouped under the term "QC".

Validation criteria are only given if not described in section Validation statuses.

Metabolite level

Calibration standard, acceptance criteria

  • Valid accuracy within kit acceptance criteria, in general 70-130%
  • Accuracy out of range accuracy not within kit acceptance criteria, in general 70-130%

QC, acceptance criteria

  • Accuracy calculated exclusively for metabolites of analyte classification "T1".
  • CV calculated exclusively for metabolites of QCs and of analyte classification "T1" or "T2".
    Requirement: at least three QC replicates per plate run and concentration above LOQ.
  • Valid accuracy within kit acceptance criteria, in general 70-130%, and CV below 20% (analyte classification T1) or below 30% (analyte classification T2)
  • Accuracy out of range accuracy not within kit acceptance criteria, in general 70-130%
  • CV out of range CV above 20% (analyte classification T1) or above 30% (analyte classification T2)

Well/injection level

Well/injection status is Valid, if

at least 85% metabolites per well/injection with an analyte classification T1 are Valid and
at least 80% metabolites per well/injection with an analyte classification T2 are Valid.

Well/injection status

For this evaluation, Valid means for

  • metabolites T1 not Accuracy ot ouf range or CV out of range,
  • metabolites T2 not CV out of range.

Plate run level

Plate run validation requirement: at least three QC replicates of one level per plate run.

For plate run validation, QCs are exclusively used.

  • OK if at least 67% of all wells per plate run have a well status Valid
  • Not OK if less than 67% of all wells per plate run have a well status Valid

Plate validation status

Well status Valid means not CV out of range or Accuracy out of range of QC samples, as described in Well/injection level.

Exclude metabolite, well, sample type, or plate run

A metabolite, sample, well, or plate run can be excluded. This may be required, e.g. when a sample was pipetted incorrectly onto one well position or the incorrect retention time (RT) was defined for one metabolite in the corresponding acquisition method.

Exclude a metabolite

  1. Select a well, e.g. QC2 on position E2.

    QC2, well E2

  2. Right click on a metabolite, e.g. Ala.

    Exclude Ala

  3. Add a note, e.g. "Incorrect RT defined" and click Save.

    Exclude metabolite

Multiple metabolites can be selected. Click in the field Metabolite, make a selection, and click Save.

Exclude multiple metabolite

Exclude a well

  1. Right click on a well, e.g. QC2 on position E2.

    Exclude QC2

  2. Add a note, e.g. "Incorrect pipetting" and click Save.

    Exclude well

  • Multiple wells can be selected. Click in the field Well, make a selection, and click Save.

    Exclude multiple wells

  • Samples from the same type, e.g. all QCs, are selected by selecting QCs.

    Exclude sample type

Exclude a plate run

  1. Above the plate, click Exclude.

    Exclude plate run

  2. Add a note, e.g. "Kit run failed" and click Save.

    Exclude plate run

Add notes

Notes can be added on metabolite, well, or plate run level.

  1. Select a metabolite or well and right click, e.g. QC2 on position E2.

    Add note

  2. Add a note and click Save.

    Add note

  • Plate notes can be added, by right click on Note.

    Plate note

Multiple metabolites or wells can be selected. Click in the field Metabolite or Well, make a selection, and click Save.

Exclude multiple wells

Approve plate run

Approve plate run

Approve plate run requires WebIDQ core+.

  • To protect validation statuses and results from alterations click Approve plate run.
    Approve plate run
    WebIDQ functionalities which would result in integration, validation status, or results alterations are now disabled.
  • To allow alterations of a plate run, click Unapprove.
    Approve plate run

Enable or disable the functionality approve plate run in the settings.

This is a global setting, affecting all users.

Settings - Approve plate runs active

Disabling the setting "Approve plate runs" resets all approved plate runs to unapproved!

Settings - Approve plate runs deactivated

Changing the option "Approve plate runs" in the settings requires the WebIDQ user role admin.

WebIDQ user role
Change WebIDQ roles in mybiocrates > users, see mybiocrates manual section Edit users.